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Examination of Diabetic Patient Health Records by Using Machine Learning Computer Programmers

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Examination of Diabetic Patient Health Records by Using Machine Learning Computer Programmers essay

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In recent days the large volume of data has generating from many health care It is very essential to collect the available data, then store and process to explore knowledge and optimize it to take fruitful decisions. Diabetic Mellitus (DM) comes under Non Communicable Diseases (NCD), and unfortunately many people are suffering baldly from it. Developing countries like India, DM has become a big challenge for health care industries and people. It is one of the horrible disease which has long term adverse effects on human body.With the help of recent evolution in technology, it is mandatory to develop a system which can store and analyze the diabetic data and assume a possible risks on body accordingly.

The anticipating analysis is the method which collects many data mining techniques, algorithms and statistics which use prensent and previous data sets to get drift and assume future risks. In this type of work machine learning algorithm in Hadoop Map reduce environment are implanted. Pima Indian diabetes data is all set to search out the missing values within in it and to invent patterns. These kind of work will be able to assume types of diabetes,related future risks which can happen and confer to the level of risk of the patient and can be treated accordingly. 1.


This method (like Big Data) is an emerging as the solution to the problems associated with large amount of data. The large amount of data generated can now be used in order to provide an inner view of what is really taking place and spot the emerging can also be able to use in the health sector in order to make the system more effective. It refers to the extense amount of data which can be either structured or can be unstructured and cannot be processed using a relational database model. Unstructured data refers to the data that cannot be stored in a particular row and column format. Big Data also goes beyond the processing capacity of the conventional database systems , Health care sector data is rising beyond the distributing volume of the health care administrations and is predictable to increase in the forthcoming years. Most of times the Health care data is regularly formless, and resides in imaging structures, medical preparation notes, insurance privileges figures, Electric Longsuffering Record etc.

Combining structured and unstructured data for advanced analytics is perilous to advance health care related outcomes. Because of statistics which are isolated in unlike or dissenting setups or owing to the absence in handling ability to load and analyse the large data sets in a frequently timely way the Health care organizations are not in the place to influence the aids of the huge set of Health care data. With the help of innovative calculating and several Big Data skills like Cloud Computing , Hadoop, and Machine Learning algorithms it is very easy to reach high concert, in minimum cost. This type of data solutions frequently arise with usual of advanced data managing solutions and various logical tools, when successfully executed.


Because of data that are inaccessible in unlike or dissenting set-ups or because of the lack in handling ability to load and request big datasets in a sensible way the Healthcare administrations are not in the great place to influence the aids of the big set of Healthcare record . by the use of progressive computing and abundant Big Data methods like Cloud Computing , Hadoop, and Machine Learning algorithms it is likely to achieve great performance, scalability within our economy. This type of solutions rottenly come with advanced data running solutions and logical equipments, when commendably applied can alter the health care effects . 1.1.1 Problem Statement Diabetes is like a illness which outcomes in extreme sugar in the blood which exists in human body. Prevalence is increasing worldwide, particularly poor and middle class countries.

Entrance in high level. For these people makes diabetes a dangerous disease. The traditional system involves a tedious process of multiple lab assessments and assumptions based on certain guidelines by the doctor. The existing testing techniques do not extensively cover all the required aspects to diagnose the condition of diabetes and are often time consuming. 1.1.2 Objectives of the study Big Data is emerging as a solution to the problems associated with large amount of data.

The large amount of data generated can now be used in order to provide an inner view of what is really taking place and spot the emerging trends. Big Data can also be used in the field of healtcare in order to make the system more effective. Unstructured data refers to the data that cannot be stored in a particular row and column format. Big Data also goes beyond the processing capacity of the conventional database systems.

By using Big Data, it is possible to predict the risk involved for the patient using his/her previous medical history. Healthcare providers are digitising their databases which pave way for the emergence of Big Data analytics. Using algorithms like Naive-Bayes and k-means the prediction of risk involved can be done. The prediction would enable the healthcare providers to quickly assess the patient’s situation and also provide an insight into patient’s future if the current situation prevails as diabetes is a disease which affects the patient. The risk involved can be assessed by doctors and can base their treatment and also the patient can be advised for lifestyle changes.

The main goal of this analysis study is predict the diabetes disease and compare the algorithm which algorithm provide high accuracy .finally select the best algorithm to predict the diabetes disease at early stage. Examine how patients’ characteristics as well as measurements disturb diabetes cases. 1.1.3 Scope of the study Healthcare segment data is rising above the trading capacity of the health care administrations and also projected to increase in up coming days. Maximum of the Healthcare data is frequently unstructured, and exist in the imaging systems, medicine notes and in the insurance claims data, Electric Patient previous data etc. by combining both the structured and unstructured statistics for progressive analytics is vital to improve healthcare outputs.

Due to of data that are remoted in different or dissenting formats or due to the lack in treating ability to load and query large datasets in a sensible method the Healthcare organizations are not in a place to control the assistances of the big set of Healthcare data. By the aid of innovative computing and abundant Big Data technologies like Cloud Computing , Hadoop, and Machine Learning algorithms it is likely to be easy to achieve good performance, within our economy. These methods often come with usual set of inventive data management solutions and logical equipments when effectively executed and can alter the healthcare results. 1.1.4 Methodology used The modern healthcare provider is equipped with an Electronic Healthcare Records and an automation tool has enabled enormous amounts of data generation. This collected data can be used to implement big data analytics. Apart from basic data being collected modern systems also collect complex data from clinical trials, research and diagnostic tests.

Map Reduce is one of the encoding model for similar processing of big volume of the availaible data. These type of data can be all but it is precisely designed to procedure the slant of the data. The key refrain idea of Map Reduce is to alter list of data to production. It provides flexibility to write Procedures virtually in any programming languages. Completes job according to optimised scheduled priority .


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Current System Diabetes is one of the major disease which may results extreme sugar in the blood of the body, or high blood glucose. Prevalence is increasing worldwide, particularly in developing or poor or countries.

Entrance to worth health care for these people makes diabetes a dangerous disease. The traditional system involves a tedious process of multiple lab assessments and assumptions based on certain guidelines by the doctor. The existing testing techniques do not extensively cover all the required aspects to diagnose the condition of diabetes and are often time consuming. Proposed System In this paper we are proposing a analysis and prediction of new patient record with the large set of other patients records using Big Data and Machine Learning algorithms like Naive-Bayes and k-means.

With the severity of risk the doctors can advise the further course of action. Advantages of using machine learning in health care are More accurate diagnosis. ? Early involvement to prevent diseases. ? If the predicted risk is high, necessary steps can be taken to avoid the disease. ? Patients can use this system for information for self.

Modules Information Extraction: Here patients health care records are collected from various sources in hospitals and then organised as a Structured Electronic Healthcare Record (S- EH ) Feature Selection: From the collected patient’s record, the most important features required for diabetic prediction and modelling is extracted . Predictive Modelling: We have constructed a predictive model to predict whether the patient have diabetes or not. Regression model is used to provide the effect and dosage of insulin. Cluster the users into groups based on the similarity, so that it is easy for doctors to analyse and recommend medicine to them. 2.2 PROBABILITY STUDY The basic study is to examine venture probability, the same like the system will be very useful.The vital moto of this study is to examine the Technical, Working and Inexpensive possibility for totalling new units and correcting old organisation system.

All organisation is possible if they are limitless capitals and infinite with respect to the time. The probability learning is a management related things. The basic moto of a this study is to search out if an info system project can be complete and to suggest likely other solutions. Many aspects in this study part of the primaru examination ? Technical Possibility ? Operational Possibility ? Economical Possibility.


Hardware ? Processor : Pentium Duel Core and Higher ? RAM : 1GB or more. ? Hard Disk : 20GB or more. ? Monitor : 15 inch Color Monitor ? Keyboard : 102/104 Keys ? Mouse : Optical Mouse Software ? Operating System :Windows XP/7/8/10 ? Front end :MATLAB ? Back end : MYSQL 3. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION 3.1 USERS 3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT .These includes ? Accounts of data to be arrived in the system ? Accounts of operations done by every screen ? Accounts of work-flows done by the system ? Accounts of system informations or other results ? Who should enter te data. ? How the system encounters appropriate necessities 3.3 NON-FUNCTIONAL NECESSITIES In count to the clear features and roles that will provide in your system, there are other necessities that don’t really DO anything, but which might be vital characteristics.These are known as “non-functional requirements”. For example, points such as presentation, security, Every necessity is simply termed in english.

And must be impartial,There might be few accountable methods to evaluate whether the condition has been met or not. 4. SYSTEM DESIGN (High Level or Architectural design) 4.1 SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE Based on the existing system and understanding the user requirement system has been designed. System designed into architectural design, component design and the interface design of the system. 1. Architectural design 2.

Logical design 3. Physical design 1) Architectural design: In architectural design it is designed based on the behavior of the system, structural design and the analysis of the system. Fig 1 : System Architectural Design 2) Logical design: Logical design concept will comes in the modeling where we have designed the abstract model of the system. Here, the logical design of system can be representation of data flow, providing input to the system and output of the system.

Diagram like ER-Diagram and other where shows the Entity and their relationships. 3) Physical Design: In the Physical design it will take as the input and it will gives the output and it will verify and validate the each and every field. In this system it should fulfill the system requirement such as input/output, storage and other requirements. 4.2 FRAMEWORK DIAGRAM In the Framework Diagram it describes the system which considerses as single high-level procedure and then after shows the relationship between the system has with further external objects ( which are may be organizational groups, systems, external data stores, etc.).

Framework Diagram also known as by the name of Context Level Data Flow Drawing or a Level-0 Data Flow Drawing. As framework Diagram is a prescribed version of Data-Flow Drawing, which may helpful in understanding the Data-Flow Drawings. Data-Flow Drawing (DFD) can be described as a graphical picturing of the programme of data through of the evidence system. These are one among the three crucial components of the structured systems study and design process (SSADM).It is a method centric and describes 4 key components. methods (circle) ? Peripheral or outwards Objects (rectangle) ? Statistics Stores ( either two adjacent, parallel lines or may be ellipse) ? Statistics Flows (either curved or may be straight line including arrowhead representing flow path) . DFD Level 1 -Diagram DFD Level 2-Diagram 5.

DETAILED DESIGN 5.1 USAGE CASE DRAWING The Usage Case can be described as a set of scenarios which relating an communication between the user and system. Usage Case drawing shows the relationship between actors and the Cases. Basically there are two main mechanisms of a Usage Case drawing and they are one is Use Cases and another is actors. Fig 5: Usage Case Drawing 5.2 SEQUENCE DRAWINGS Sequence drawings are also known as by the name of event diagrams or event circumstances. An sequence drawing displays, as equivalent vertical lines or unlike processes or objects that concurrently live, and, also as the parallel arrows, the communications interchanged between them are in the direction.

. Fig 6: Sequence drawing


After the sequence drawings next is collaboration drawing and these can also be known as communication drawing or interface drawing , and this is the example of the relations and communications of software entities in the Unified Demonstrating Language (UDL) . Fig 7: Collab o ration drawing 5.4 MOVEMENT DRAWING Movement drawing is one more key drawing . It helps to define the active features of the system.

Movement drawing can be described as an flowchart which signify the flow from one movement into another movement. This movement can also be described as a action of the system. Fig 8: Movement diagram 5.5 Class diagram Fig 9: Class Diagram 5.5 DATABASE DESIGN In the database table it will store the system data with attribute with its data type. Below are the database table used in this project. 5.7.1 Database Table For Add Hospital Sl No.

% hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to main (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for main handles.output = hObject; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes main wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); axes(handles.axes1) matlabImage = imread( ‘back.jpg’ ); image(matlabImage) axis off axis image %% K-means Segmentation (option: K Number of Segments) % Alireza Asvadi % % 2012 % Questions regarding the code may be directed to [email protected] %% initialize % — Executes on button press in pushbutton3. function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton3 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) menu 6.1 SCREEN SHOTS Mai n A dminlogin Men u Patient data loaded Imput Missing values filled Result 6. ABOUT SOFTWARE TESTING 8. THE VARIOUS SOFTWARE TESTING APPROACHES Software testing is known as one of the software excellence guarantee and signifies final evaluation of the requirement, scheming and also coding.

TESTING GOALS 1. It is the process of finding an error or mistake with the help of programme 2. The inner action of the product, tests can also be conducted to make sure the”all g An better test case plan is one which has a chance of searching an as yet exposed error. 3. An fruitful test is one that exposes an as yet to be inventible error. Above shown goals suggest a intense alteration in vision port.

It cannot display the lack of faults, but helps in finding errors which are already present. CASE PROJECT DESIGN There are two methods to test an product. 1. White box testing : In this testing, by knowing the specified function that a product has been designed to perform test can be conducted that demonstrates each function is fully operation at the same time searching for errors in each function. It is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases.

Basis path testing is a white box testing. Basis Path Testing: i. Drift graph representation ii. Rota tion a mate Complication iii. Developing test cases iv. Grid or chart matrices.

Controller Construction Testing: i. Circumstance testing ii. Statistics drift testing iii. Hoop or ring testing 2. Black box testing: It basically emphases on the practical necessities of the software. In these type of testing by determining tears mesh”, which is inner action does conferring to requirement and all inner workings have been sufficiently work out.

Basic stages in this type are: i. Chart built testing approaches ii. Correspondence segregating iii. Border price study iv.

Assessment trying 7.3 Cases STEP S CONTRIBUTION PREDICTABLE RESULT REAL RESULT Pass/Fail FORM1: Login Step 1 : Enter User Name Username Should be entered Actual result should be testing on a machine Pass Step 2 : Enter Password Password should be entered Step 3: Click on Login Button License Page should be Opened Pass Verification of User If user already logged in then it should not open Fail FORM2: Register Step 1 Enter First Name First Name should be entered Actual result should be testing on a machine Pass Step 2 Enter Last Name Last Name should be entered Step 3 Enter Contact Address should be entered Step 4 Enter User Name User Name should be entered Step 5 Enter password Password should be entered Step 7 Enter emailed Email should be entered Step 8 Enter Type Server or client should be entered FORM3: Send Message Step 1 Enter Message Entering Message to send Actual result should be testing on a machine Pass Step 2 Enter Last Name Enter Last Name Step 3 Enter First Name Enter Email ID to whom the message should send Step 4 Detection method Select detection method Step 5 Encrypted message Encrypt message Step 6 Date Date of sending message FORM4:Receive Message Step Select M Selecting Mail ID Actual result should be Pass 1 testing on a machine Step 2 Enter Key Entering Key Step 3 Decrypt Decrypting message and getting back original message 8.CONCLUSION This analysis or examination is the process which combines different statactics methods, machine learning flowcharts and data which use both present and previous to invent knowledge from it and helps to imagine the upcoming occurrences.We have implemented Hadoop Map Reduce based systems for Pima Indian diabetes statistics set to search the lost values within it and to determine designs from it. This type of work recommends that applied algorithms are capable to assign lost values and to identify outlines from the statistics set. In forthcoming work design corresponding will be engaged by smearing these exposed designs on testing statistics set to forecast diabetic dominant and hazard level related with it. 9. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Dr Saravanakumar , Eswari, Sampath, Lavanya “Predictive Methodology for Diabetic Data Analysis in Big Data,” ELSEVIER, ISBCC 2015.

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Examination of Diabetic Patient Health Records by Using Machine Learning Computer Programmers. (2019, May 10). Retrieved from