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We found 3 free essay samples on Thanksgiving for you

The First Thanksgiving

On September 6, 1620, 102 men, women and children from England boarded a small cargo boat called the Mayflower and set sail for the New World. The passengers left their homes in England in search of religious freedom from the King of England. Today they are known as pilgrims. After braving two months at sea,…




Open Document
Pages: 3
Words: 632

Digestive Process

Digestive Process It is in the mouth, that the Thanksgiving feast begins its journey through the fabulous digestive system. It is here that the lips, cheeks and tongue, carefully position the food that the teeth will chew. This chewing process breaks up the food, this being a part of mechanical digestion. While the teeth grind…


Open Document
Pages: 3
Words: 568

Henrik Ibsens A Doll House

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House It is our human spirit that separates us from animals. Because animals lack a spirit of their own, they have no conscience to guide them with the inner sense of right and wrong. T.C. Boyle’s “Carnal Knowledge” portrays two people, Jim and Alena, who live as if they lack a…


Open Document
Pages: 6
Words: 1257