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Writing requirement for first year essay

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Disclaimer his paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of PiTsburgh Swanson School of Engineering.

his paper is a student, not a professional, paper. his paper is based on publicly available information and may not provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of PiTsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. ELEC RIC CARS SUCH AS HE Tesla MODEL 3 HELP REDUCE AIR POLLU ION ALL OVER HE WORLD Zachary Swier AIR POLLU ION AND I S NEGA IVE AFFEC S ON SOCIE Y AS A WHOLE All over the earth there are many issues with air pollution that cause several problems for most people in society.

Air pollution affects the ways in which our bodies respond to certain stimuli. When air pollution begins affecting us, it gets into our bodies and messes with our immune systems to the point where we begin to get sick. Air pollution has some preTy terrible effects on the human body such as respiratory issues, brain damage, and cancer. Not only does air pollution affect the human body, but it also affects the earth as a whole.

As air pollution gets worse and worse the earth becomes warmer and warmer. All of this air pollution starts to result in some form of global warming whether large or small. On the website of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, there is a quote that states HYPERLINK hTp// Global warming is caused by a blanket of pollution that traps heat around the earth. his pollution comes from cars, factories, homes, and power plants that burn fossil fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas, and gasoline 1. his just goes to show that as cars run more frequently, the heat from the byproducts will heat up the earth resulting in global warming.

When air pollution starts to get bad enough, it will affect an entire population of people and the world around them and it will only continue to get worse until something is done to fix the problem. he fossil fuels that are used in factories as well as many cars are the main causes of air pollution. he gasoline that burns within the car engines are what cause the most air pollution because these engines burn that gasoline and all of the byproducts go straight to the air. As more and more cars are manufactured to run on gasoline, the amount of air pollution will only continue to increase day by day.

With an increase in air pollution we get a decrease in air quality and that will end up being a very large issue some day in the near future. REDUCING AIR POLLU ION WI H HE USE OF ELEC RICI Y IN CARS University of PiTsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1 11.01.16 he quality of the air around us is hindered by all of the gasoline byproducts that are added to it every single second of every single day. Gasoline powered cars have been around for a very long time now and as more and more people are able to afford these cars, they are becoming an even more popular form of transportation. With the number of cars increasing all over the world, that means that the amount of air pollution is also increasing.

he best way to decrease the amount of air pollution released every day is to eliminate its cause all together. On a website designated to explaining the use electronic vehicles, the author of the website can be quoted as saying Its incontrovertible that electronic vehicles dont have a tailpipe, and therefore provide a real benefit to improving air quality for you, your family, and your community 2. With electronic cars not even having a tailpipe, there is no possible way that any bad byproducts can come from these types of cars. he easiest way to eliminate gasoline byproducts being released into our atmosphere, is to make use of electricity within our vehicles as much as possible. Electric cars have proven over the years to be quite successful, however their popularity has only begun to increase very recently. Electric powered cars are a form of transportation that reduce the amount of air pollution all over the world.

he reduction of air pollution helps everyone as it makes the earth a much safer place to live. Electric cars, unlike gasoline powered cars do not have toxic byproducts that they release into the atmosphere. hey use electrical currents to power their motors rather than gasoline. he electrical currents have no feasible way to produce any toxic byproducts. herefore, the use of electric cars will only help the environment to become a much safer place for everyone to live in.

Although many people are drawn away from geTing an electric car solely because of the prices, there are a few types of electric powered cars that are becoming more affordable to the public. hese types of cars are many plug-in cars. hese cars do have baTeries, but are different from the original form of the electric powered vehicles. Zachary Swier PLUG-IN CARS ARE ONE OF HE HEAL HIES FORMS OF RANSPOR A ION Behind riding a bike, running, or walking from place to place, electric powered vehicles are the healthiest form of transportation for our environment. As stated before, electric cars are much beTer for our environment because they do not produce any toxic byproducts that are then released into our atmosphere.

Plug-in cars do this as well, but they are even more efficient than the first forms of electronic vehicles. For a plug-in car to recharge all you need to do is plug your car right into an outlet outside or in a garage and let it charge up just like you would with your phone. As with many phones, the charge of an electronic car can last for several hours, even several days, depending on how far you are driving. Most plug-in cars nowadays range anywhere from 80-200 miles per charge 3. When talking about the mileage range of one of the newest electronic vehicles, Campbell states Its rated range is 244 miles 3.

his just goes to show that as these plug-in cars become more advanced, they will be able to go farther and farther on a single charge. A plug-in car only takes a few hours to charge and that single charge can last you several days if need be. As soon as you get home for the day you can put your car in the garage and plug it in overnight and then when you wake up in the morning your vehicle is charged and ready to go. Gas pumps become useless to you when you have an electronic vehicle and if more people would get electric cars the amount of gasoline used every day would go way down.

hese plug-in cars not only affect society by giving people a safer place to live, but they also affect the engineering field as a whole. With all the new technology needed in making these new plug-in cars, there are a lot more jobs available to engineers coming out of college. he new advancements in technology used in these cars had to come from somewhere and that place that they came from was every single branch of engineering imaginable. here are so many different parts needed to make these cars work that some form of every type of engineering was involved in their creation.

hese plug-in cars created a way for engineers to advance technology as well as the engineering field itself by expanding the knowledge of many different people which then turned into other new inventions using the same technology. As I just stated, there are many new jobs to be had because of the creation of these environmentally friendly electronic vehicles. I have always wanted to work with these cars. Ever since I was a young boy I have always been interested in cars and the inner workings of different kinds of machines.

I can remember one year when I was about 13 or 14 years old I was at a car show with my father. As we walked around and I saw all the different 2 cars. here was one car that truly caught my eye. hat car turned out to be a Tesla. At the time, I was not able to tell what kind of car it was because it had those big red ropes around it so that you could not go near it.

But, as the weeks went on I could not stop thinking about this car. A few weeks later I saw a man geTing into the same car that I had seen at this car show. It was the same color and everything. I asked the man what kind of car it was exactly and he explained everything to me.

It seemed unimaginable that this man was driving around an electronic car that all he had to do was go home and plug it in to be able to drive it. But, that is what it was. As the years have gone by I have only become more curious about these Tesla cars and as I continue my research into them I continue to become more and more interested in them. I know how the work, how they look, the new advancements that the new models are going to have, and I want to work with these vehicles. With the new advancements of these plug-in cars, I hope that one day one of those jobs will fall into my lap and allow me to fulfill a dream of mine to work with electronic vehicles. So, as you can see, not only do the environmentally friendly plug-in cars help the overall quality of our society and the health of the atmosphere, but they also help the engineering field as well as myself.

HE Tesla MODEL 3 IS GOOD FOR EVERYONE AND EVERY HING Tesla has just recently released the concept for the Tesla Model 3 which happens to be one of the most advanced electronic vehicles yet. Just like I talked about earlier, the Tesla Model 3 is one of those plug-in vehicles. he charge for the Model 3 can be fully completed over night and on a full charge the Model 3 can operate for around 200-250 miles. he new advancements in the Tesla Model 3 are what allow it to run for the longer distances. hey added more power through torque ratios and gave it more horsepower while still allowing the baTery to run for a longer period of time on a single charge.

he Tesla Model 3, like all electric cars is very good for the environment as it releases no toxic gases and it prevents any extra pollution from going into the atmosphere. he advancements in the new Model 3 show how much engineering is advancing because even after making the amazing step of making cars run using electricity, engineers were able to improve the technology even further. he engineering field continues to make improvement onto these vehicles and it is astonishing. Although it does not change the overall environmentally friendliness of the Tesla cars, it is important to note for the sake of the engineering advancements that Every Tesla Model 3 will have self-driving hardware 4. his was found in an article wriTen by Miles Branman. he Tesla Model 3 is not only Zachary Swier a huge help to our environment, but it is also a huge step in engineering advancements.

he biggest advancement in the Tesla Model 3 in my eyes is the lowered price. OrcuT states, he Model S starts at nearly 70,000twice the Model 3s 35,000 price tag 5. he lowered price of the Model 3 makes it a much more affordable version of an electronic vehicle. With an affordable form of an electronic car, many more people will be able to purchase these kinds of cars. As I stated earlier, it is the simple fact of the price that keeps more people from buying an electronic car, but with this reduced price that is actually lower than many gas-powered vehicles, more people will be able to afford the cars that are going to save our environment. As we see the prices decrease, we will see the amount in use increase.

With an increase in electronic cars being used, there will be a much lower number of toxic fumes being released into our atmosphere. his new Tesla model will not only help the engineering field as a whole, but it will also help the bigger cause which is the health of our environment. I, myself, will benefit from this new Tesla Model 3 as well for one simple reason. With the lowered cost of the Model 3 I could one day purchase one for myself. o own a Tesla would be a dream of mine and that could now be fulfilled with the cheap Model 3 that has all the capabilities to save our environment that all of the other electronic vehicles have. If I were to purchase this Tesla vehicle I would feel like I am becoming a big part of what is changing the earth around us for the beTer.

HE Tesla MODEL 3 IS AN ENGINEERING ADVANCEMEN HA WILL SAVE OUR ENVIRONMEN As soon as this newly designed Tesla Model 3 hits the streets it will easily be the best car for consumers to purchase. It will be extremely affordable, looks very nice, and saves the environment. Everyone wants to save the environment however they can, so once this car hits production it will be easy for more people to jump on and help start saving the planet. Every time that one of these Tesla Model 3s is purchased, that is one less person driving a gas-powered car and every time someone stops driving a gas-powered car, that begins to save our environment. he highly reliable 200 plus mile range per charge of the new Model 3 will allow people to travel around for several days on one charge and then be able to recharge their cars overnight by just simply plugging them into an outlet in their garages. he simplicity of this plug-in style electronic vehicle is something for everyone to get behind and it helps the environment by burning less fossil fuels.

hese plug-in Tesla Model 3s will give the atmosphere some rest from taking in all those toxic fumes and allow the atmosphere to begin its rebuilding and 3 renewing processes. he brilliant Tesla company owner, Elon Musk, said I think the tide of history very strongly supports … a sustainable energy future — primarily solar, and almost virtually entirely electric vehicles 6. his, along with quotes from many other people, shows how important people view these electric cars to be and if they one day do make up the majority of the worlds vehicles, then the earth itself will become a much healthier and a much safer place for everyone to live in.

ACKNOWLEDGMEN S his paper was wriTen over the span of several days with encouragement from several different people. he main people who helped me complete this essay were my girlfriend, Peyton, and my friend, James. hese people kept me motivated to keep writing more and told me not to stop. hey helped me decide to review and revise my essay several times throughout the process to make sure that it was the best that it could be. Everything in this essay was my own words, but these two really pushed me to put my best words down onto the paper.

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